
A Kinetic Study on the Effect of Hyperbaric Storage on the Development of Maillard Reaction in Glucose-Glycine Model Systems

Innovative food science and emerging technologies/Innovative food science & emerging technologies(2024)

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The effect of pressure (0.1, 15, 50 and 100 MPa) and temperature (43, 53, 63 degrees C) on the formation rate (k) of Maillard alpha-dicarbonyls (absorbance at 294) and melanoidins (absorbance at 420 nm), was studied during hyperbaric storage (HS) of glucose-glycine model solutions (pH 6). While increasing storage temperature increased k values according to the Arrhenius equation (E-alpha similar to 85 kJ mol(-1)), increasing pressure decreased reaction rates as predicted by the Eyring model (E-alpha similar to 11 mL mol(-1)). Pressure did not affect reaction temperature sensitivity, indicating no significant mechanism changes under hyperbaric conditions. A combined model predicting the effect of concomitant changes of temperature and pressure on Maillard reaction rate was implemented and validated within and outside (20-25 degrees C, 20-200 MPa) its building range. Results indicate HS to limit Maillard browning in food, with possible practical applications, and the potential to develop predictive models based on temperature-accelerated HS trials. Industrial relevance The capability of hyperbaric storage to impair Maillard reaction rate extends the scope of this multi-tasking technology to the prevention of color alterations due to non-enzymatic browning. The latter is expected to be of industrial relevance in the case of perishable foods affected by this phenomenon, such as thermally-treated milk. In these matrices, the technology could concomitantly guarantee microbiological safety, protein functionalization, and Maillard browning impairment.
Storage under pressure,Non-enzymatic browning,Kinetic modelling,Accelerated kinetic experiments,Arrhenius,Eyring
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