
Centralized Data Management Model Within the Sarah Cannon Transplant and Cellular Therapy Network (SCTCTN)- Process, Challenges and Benefits

Betsy Blunk,Hector Zambrano,Rocky Billups,Navneet S. Majhail, Connie Bosch, Jennifer Culver, Julie Sinnema, Mary Wood, Leslie Younger, Angelica Olivarez, Veloria Turner, Nora Kristin Bays, Sarah B L Hatley, Tiffany Jordan,Tonya Cox

Transplantation and Cellular Therapy(2024)

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Background/IntroductionThe SCTCTN comprises 7 transplant and cellular therapy programs that collectively performed 1,600 transplants and cellular therapies in 2022. There are 20 full-time employees that support the network. Each individual program previously hired, trained and supported data analysts. In 2021, the SCTCTN began to discuss a centralized data management model with the goal of standardizing job descriptions, training, improved productivity, oversight of staff by CIBMTR-experienced individuals with the goal of enhanced efficiencies and scalability.ObjectivesThe SCTCTN underwent an overview of the current state of the data analysts within the network. This included the job descriptions, data analyst experience, number of FTEs/program, the number of forms completed/program/year, reporting structure, and previous data audits, as well as both internal and CIBMTR data audits. In addition, there was evaluation of duties that were considered outside the data submission scope.ResultsFirst, standardized job descriptions were developed. These included non-RN data analyst I, II and Senior positions, as well as RN Data Analyst II and RN Senior positions. In addition, a new position was formed, the Manager of Data Analytics. The manager role was developed to oversee the data analysts. The manager and director positions required prior experience with data submission to the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR). Subsequently, human resources created and graded the new positions. The next step was to discuss the transition and return on investment (ROI) with the programmatic leadership (administrators, medical directors and CFOs). Once approval from senior leadership was received, HR and SCTCTN met with the program data analysts to discuss the transition.ConclusionThe network successfully transitioned 13.5 FTEs over to a centralized data model. The 0.5 FTE was converted over to a 1.0 FTE to allow for absorption of 2 of the smaller programs. This 1.0 FTE now supports 2.5 programs. A manager of data analytics was hired and onboarded. This manager is responsible for the day to day management of all data analysts. After one year, all data analysts that transitioned continued to be part of the consolidation model. This model has allowed the network to cross-cover other programs and/or support programs that are on a catch-up plan. Utilizing the more experienced data analysts for training and cross-auditing has proved to be valuable for less experienced staff. At consolidation, there were 2 programs on an exemption plan. One of the two programs is now on a normal CPI track and moving toward real-time data abstraction. The other 5 programs are now reporting data in real-time. Lastly, most of the duties that were outside the scope of data submission were shifted to other roles within the program, allowing for more focused data abstraction and submission.
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