
Excitatory Spinal Lhx9-Derived Interneurons Modulate Locomotor Frequency in Mice.

˜The œjournal of neuroscience/˜The œJournal of neuroscience(2024)

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Locomotion allows us to move and interact with our surroundings. Spinal networks that control locomotion produce rhythm and left - right and fl exor - extensor coordination. Several glutamatergic populations, Shox2 non-V2a, Hb9-derived interneurons, and, recently, spinocerebellar neurons have been proposed to be involved in the mouse rhythm generating networks. These cells make up only a smaller fraction of the excitatory cells in the ventral spinal cord. Here, we set out to identify additional populations of excitatory spinal neurons that may be involved in rhythm generation or other functions in the locomotor network. We use RNA sequencing from glutamatergic, non-glutamatergic, and Shox2 cells in the neonatal mice from both sexes followed by differential gene expression analyses. These analyses identi fi ed transcription factors that are highly expressed by glutamatergic spinal neurons and differentially expressed between Shox2 neurons and glutamatergic neurons. From this latter category, we identi fi ed the Lhx9-derived neurons as having a restricted spinal expression pattern with no Shox2 neuron overlap. They are purely glutamatergic and ipsilaterally projecting. Ablation of the glutamatergic transmission or acute inactivation of the neuronal activity of Lhx9derived neurons leads to a decrease in the frequency of locomotor-like activity without change in coordination pattern. Optogenetic activation of Lhx9-derived neurons promotes locomotor-like activity and modulates the frequency of the locomotor activity. Calcium activities of Lhx9-derived neurons show strong left - right out -of -phase rhythmicity during locomotor-like activity. Our study identi fi es a distinct population of spinal excitatory neurons that regulates the frequency of locomotor output with a suggested role in rhythm -generation in the mouse alongside other spinal populations. Signi fi cance Statement Ipsilaterally projecting excitatory interneurons play a crucial role in the generation of locomotor rhythms in the vertebrate spinal cord. While the Shox2, Hb9, and spinocerebellar tract neurons are known components involved in this behavior they represent only a fraction of the entire excitatory population in the spinal cord. In this study, we identify additional excitatory spinal populations that could be essential contributors to the locomotor circuitry and shed light on a new population of ipsilaterally projecting excitatory neurons expressing the transcription factor Lhx9. Our fi ndings show that this newly identi fi ed population has the capacity to modulate the locomotor frequency, suggesting a potential involvement in the rhythm generating network along other spinal neuronal populations.
central pattern generator,gene expression,motor control,rhythm,spinal neurons
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