Impact of α enhancement on the asteroseismic age determination of field stars. Application to the APO-K2 catalogue

G. Valle, M. Dell'Omodarme, P. G. Prada Moroni, S. Degl'Innocenti

Astronomy & Astrophysics(2024)

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We investigated the theoretical biases affecting the asteroseismic grid-based estimates of stellar parameters in the presence of a mismatch between the heavy element mixture of observed stars and stellar models. We performed a controlled simulation adopting effective temperature, [Fe/H], average large frequency spacing, and frequency of maximum oscillation power as observational constraints. Synthetic stars were sampled from grids of stellar models computed with different [alpha/Fe] values from 0.0 to 0.4. The mass, radius, and age of these objects were then estimated by adopting a grid of models with a fixed [alpha/Fe] value of 0.0. The experiment was repeated assuming different sets of observational uncertainties. In the reference scenario, we adopted an uncertainty of 1.5 0.05 dex in [Fe/H]. A higher uncertainty in the atmospheric constraints was also adopted in order to explore the impact on the precision of the observations of the estimated stellar parameters. Our simulations showed that estimated parameters are biased up to 3 when the reference uncertainty scenario was adopted. These values correspond to 45 biases in mass and radius disappear when adopting larger observational uncertainties because of the possibility of the fitting algorithm exploring a wider range of possible solutions. However, in this scenario, the age is significantly biased by -8 radius, and age can be estimated with a high accuracy by adopting a grid with the incorrect value of [alpha/Fe] if the metallicity [Fe/H] of the target is adjusted to match the Z in the fitting grid. In this scenario, the maximum bias in the age was reduced to 1.5
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