Leveraging Weakly Annotated Data for Hate Speech Detection in Code-Mixed Hinglish: A Feasibility-Driven Transfer Learning Approach with Large Language Models


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The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has advanced the benchmark in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. However, large amounts of labelled training data are required to train LLMs. Furthermore, data annotation and training are computationally expensive and time-consuming. Zero and few-shot learning have recently emerged as viable options for labelling data using large pre-trained models. Hate speech detection in mix-code low-resource languages is an active problem area where the use of LLMs has proven beneficial. In this study, we have compiled a dataset of 100 YouTube comments, and weakly labelled them for coarse and fine-grained misogyny classification in mix-code Hinglish. Weak annotation was applied due to the labor-intensive annotation process. Zero-shot learning, one-shot learning, and few-shot learning and prompting approaches have then been applied to assign labels to the comments and compare them to human-assigned labels. Out of all the approaches, zero-shot classification using the Bidirectional Auto-Regressive Transformers (BART) large model and few-shot prompting using Generative Pre-trained Transformer- 3 (ChatGPT-3) achieve the best results
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