In-depth theoretical analysis of the influence of an external electric field on charge transport parameters


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It is important to develop materials with environmental stability and long device shelf life for use in organic field-effect transistors (OFETs). The microscopic, molecular-level nature of the organic layer in OFETs is not yet well understood. The stability of geometric and electronic structures and the regulation of the external electric field (EEF) on the charge transport properties of four typical homogeneous organic semiconductors (OSCs) were investigated by density functional theory (DFT). The results showed that under the EEF, the structural changes in single-bond linked oligomers were more sensitive and complex than those of condensed molecules, and there were non-monotonic changes in their reorganization energy (lambda) during charge transport under an EEF consisting of decreases and then increases (Series D). The change in lambda under an EEF can be preliminarily and qualitatively determined by the change in the frontier molecular orbitals (FMOs) - the number of C-atoms with nonbonding characteristics. For single-bonded molecules, the transfer integral is basically unchanged under a low EEF, but it will greatly change at a high EEF. Because the structure and properties of the molecule will greatly change under different EEFs, the effect of an EEF should be fully considered when determining the intrinsic mobility of OSCs, which could cause a deviation 0.3-20 times in mobility. According to detailed calculations, one heterogeneous oligomer, TH-BTz, was designed. Its lambda can be greatly reduced under an EEF, and the change in the energy level of FMOs can be adjusted to different degrees. This study provides a reasonable idea for verification of the experimental mobility value and also provides guidance for the directional design of stable high-mobility OSCs. An external electric field (EEF) exerts a great influence on geometry and electronic structure of organic semiconductors. The change in non-bonding properties of C-atoms in HOMO/LUMO under an EEF is related to the change in reorganization energy.
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