Two Gender Medicine: Provider-Side Barriers to Caring for Transgender and Gender Diverse Patients


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Experienced and anticipated discrimination during health care visits result in lower health care utilization rates, which contribute to persistent health disparities between transgender and gender diverse (TGD) individuals and the general population. Most strategies for improving health care delivery to TGD patients place the responsibility on providers, overlooking the role of medical systems and institutions in creating the environments where negative health care experiences occur. Relying on the inhabited institutionalism framework, this study explores system- and institutional-level barriers to the provision of quality care to TGD patients identified by health care providers and administrators, including relevant contextual details of, and interactions between, these barriers. Based on interview data from health care providers and administrators from a variety of practices across Texas, we identified two overarching themes and six subthemes. We demonstrate how our interviewees' responses reveal an institutional logic of "two-gender medicine," which creates barriers to health care provision in both formal medical education and training and throughout the managed care model of practice. We also illustrate how health care workers find ways to resist this logic in the course of their practice. Addressing these barriers to delivering competent and compassionate care to TGD patients that providers encounter could make long overdue strides toward addressing health disparities.
Medical education,transgender health,inhabited institutionalism,managed care delivery,care provision,cultural competency,gender affirming care
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