
Assessing Potential Earthquake-Induced Structural Damage and Losses in School Buildings, West Java, Indonesia

Hilman Ardika Wibowo,Irwan Meilano,Riantini Virtriana

Papers in Applied Geography(2024)

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West Java is one of the most earthquake-prone regions in Indonesia, located just north of the subduction zone of the Indo-Australian plate and Eurasian plate, and it has a dense population. Schools play a crucial role as the primary pillars of education within this community. If a school is affected by an earthquake disaster, it can lead to compromised educational activities, with adverse consequences on other aspects of the community. Therefore, evaluating the earthquake risk posed to school buildings becomes imperative as a mitigation effort within the educational sector. The objective of this research is to develop an earthquake risk map, evaluating potential damage and structural losses in school buildings using a probabilistic approach. The study models school exposure, earthquake hazard, fragility of buildings, and physical vulnerability to estimate the values of building damage and structural losses, for administrative districts and cities in West Java. The results of the risk calculation for damage and structural losses in school buildings in West Java reveal that Cianjur Regency presents the highest risk of damage, while Bandung City faces the highest risk of losses.
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