Sustainable Management of Golf Courses in Hanoi City: A Remote Sensing Approach for Monitoring Land Distribution and Dynamics

Kim-Anh Nguyen,Yuei - An Liou, Minh Khanh Luong, Nguyen Thanh Hoan


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In recent years, the role of golf courses in contributing to the economic growth of various Vietnamese cities, including Hanoi, has gained prominence. Nonetheless, debates persist regarding the environmental and societal impacts of golf course development. While golf courses enhance city aesthetics, attract affluent tourists, and align with zero-carbon initiatives, concerns arise over land use, pesticide application, water resources, farmer displacement, and potential environmental degradation. This study employs remote sensing data to monitor the spatial and temporal distribution of golf courses in the Hanoi City Metropolitan area. Utilizing multi-satellite data and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), the research aims to detect and analyze the spatial dynamics of golf courses, investigating their evolution and impact on the surrounding regions. The outcomes include a remote sensing-based database of golf courses, an examination of dynamic changes in golf course lands over decades, and an assessment of land conversion to golf courses and its consequences. This research is crucial for sustainable golf course management and environmental conservation, providing insights for informed decision-making to achieve environmental sustainability in golf course development.
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