Improved Power Production in Reverse Electrodialysis Stacks with Ion-Permselective Woven Net Spacers

Mei Li, Nianchun Zhang, Hongbo Zheng,Jiabin Guo,Zheyu Xiang,Xu Lu, Xinyang Long,Xiaoliang Li


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In traditional reverse electrodialysis (RED) stacks, the output power is severely lost due to the shadow effect caused by the nonpermselective spacers. To inhibit the spacer shadow effect, a design on ion-permselective woven net spacer is proposed. By combining the linear sweep voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy methods, the effectiveness of permselective woven net spacer is validated together with the shadow effect and concentration polarization measured quantitatively. Additionally, their influence on stack resistance and power production is investigated under various factors. When contrasted to nonpermselective spacers, the use of permselective woven net spacers reduces the spacer shadow effect by 90% whereas also exacerbating the concentration polarization. This results in a higher power density due to a dramatic reduction in resistance. However, compared with permselective spacers, the permselective woven net spacers increase the power density due to its weaker concentration polarization. The factors including the solution concentration, temperature, and spacer thickness have a considerable influence on the power production of stack. Especially, increasing the concentration of concentrated solution alone is most beneficial to improving the output power while the impact of spacer thickness is the weakest. This study presents a design on ion-permselective woven net spacers to inhibit the spacer shadow effect in traditional reverse electrodialysis stacks. Additionally, their influence on stack resistance and power production is investigated under various factors. Compared with the conventional nonpermselective spacer, the proposed spacer significantly improves power density, achieving a 45% increase.image (c) 2024 WILEY-VCH GmbH
concentration polarization,ion-permselective woven net spacer,power density,reverse electrodialysis,shadow effect
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