The NIRSpec Wide GTO Survey


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The Near-infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the James Webb Space Telescope is uniquely suited to studying galaxies in the distant Universe with its combination of multi-object capabilities and sensitivity over a large range in wavelength (0.6-5.3 microns). Here we present the NIRSpec Wide survey, part of the NIRSpec Instrument Science Team's Guaranteed Time Observations, using NIRSpec's microshutter array to obtain spectra of more than 3200 galaxies at z>1 at both low- and high-resolution (R≈100 and 2700) for a total of 105 hours. With 31 pointings covering ≈320 arcmin^2 across the five CANDELS fields with exquisite ancillary photometry from the Hubble Space Telescope, the NIRSpec Wide survey represents a fast and efficient way of using JWST to probe galaxies in the early Universe. Pointing centers are determined to maximize the observability of the rarest, high-value sources. Subsequently, the microshutter configurations are optimized to observe the maximum number of "census" galaxies with a selection function based primarily on HST/F160W magnitude, photometric/slitless grism redshift, and predicted flux tracing the bulk of the galaxy population at cosmic noon (z_ med=2.0). We present details on the survey strategy, the target selection, an outline of the motivating science cases, and discuss upcoming public data releases to the community.
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