Limited contribution of photoenzymatic DNA repair in mitigating carry-over effects from larval UVB exposure: Implications for frog recruitment

James Eduardo Lago Londero,Altevir Rossato Viana, Larissa Duailibe Silva, Cassiano Ricardo Schavinski,André Passaglia Schuch

Science of The Total Environment(2024)

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Solar ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation has increased due to stratospheric ozone depletion, climate and ecosystem changes and is a driver of amphibian population declines. Photoenzymatic repair (PER) is a critical mechanism for limiting UVB lethality in amphibian larvae. However, the link between PER and the UVB-induced effects remains understudied through long-term investigations in vivo. Here, we assessed how larval PER determines the lethal and sublethal effects induced by environmentally relevant acute UVB exposure until the juvenile phase in the Neotropical frog Odontophrynus americanus. We conducted laboratory-based controlled experiments in which tadpoles were or were not exposed to UVB and subsequently were exposed to light (for PER activation) or dark treatments. Results showed that the rates of mortality and apoptosis observed in post-UVB dark treatment are effectively limited in post-UVB light treatment, indicating PER (and not dark repair, i.e. nucleotide excision repair) is critical to limit the immediate genotoxic impact of UVB-induced pyrimidine dimers. Nonetheless, even tadpoles that survived UVB exposure using PER showed sublethal complications that extended to the juvenile phase. Tadpole responses included alterations in morphology, chromosomal instability, increased skin susceptibility to fungal proliferation, as well as increased generation of reactive oxygen species. The short-term effects were carried over to later stages of life because metamorphosis time increased and juveniles were smaller. No body abnormalities were visualized in tadpoles, metamorphs, and juveniles, suggesting that O. americanus is UVB-resistant concerning these responses. This study reveals that even frog species equipped with an effective PER are not immune to carry-over effects from early UVB exposure, which are of great ecological relevance as late metamorphosis and smaller juveniles may impact performance and the adult recruitment to breeding. Future ecological risk assessments and conservation and management efforts for amphibian species should exercise caution when linking PER effectiveness to UVB resistance.
Ultraviolet radiation,Photolyases,Lasting effects,Ecological risk assessment,Neotropical frogs,Amphibian decline
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