Operational SSUSI Aurora Forecast Model 


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Particle precipitation in the auroral oval serves as an important connection between the magnetosphere and ionosphere/atmosphere.  It is an important source of energy for the high-latitude upper atmosphere.  Particle precipitation not only creates extra ionization in the high-latitude ionosphere which leads to absorption and disturbances in radio communication, but also enhances the Joule heating by creating the Hall and Pedersen conductivity which alters the thermospheric convection and composition and further causes the global ionospheric disturbances.   To accurately characterize the auroral region energy inputs and conductivity is essential for improving the current capability for nowcasting and forecasting the ionospheric conditions in the high latitude region for space weather. The SSUSI Aurora Forecast Model is an FUV-based aurora forecast model.  It has been used operationally for predicting the global auroral quantities using the input remote-sensing ultraviolet measurements from the DMSP/SSUSI instruments.  The model predicts the equatorward boundary of auroral oval and precipitating the electron energy flux and mean energy estimated based on the empirical GUVI global model for up to 1 day or 15 DMSP orbits in advance.  We present the current implementation, capability and forecast results of this operational forecast model.  We will also discuss the current improvement and future development.
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