
Genetically Encoded XTEN-based Hydrogels with Tunable Viscoelasticity and Biodegradability for Injectable Cell Therapies

Advanced science(2024)

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While direct cell transplantation holds great promise in treating many debilitating diseases, poor cell survival and engraftment following injection have limited effective clinical translation. Though injectable biomaterials offer protection against membrane-damaging extensional flow and supply a supportive 3D environment in vivo that ultimately improves cell retention and therapeutic costs, most are created from synthetic or naturally harvested polymers that are immunogenic and/or chemically ill-defined. This work presents a shear-thinning and self-healing telechelic recombinant protein-based hydrogel designed around XTEN - a well-expressible, non-immunogenic, and intrinsically disordered polypeptide previously evolved as a genetically encoded alternative to PEGylation to "eXTENd" the in vivo half-life of fused protein therapeutics. By flanking XTEN with self-associating coil domains derived from cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, single-component physically crosslinked hydrogels exhibiting rapid shear thinning and self-healing through homopentameric coiled-coil bundling are formed. Individual and combined point mutations that variably stabilize coil association enables a straightforward method to genetically program material viscoelasticity and biodegradability. Finally, these materials protect and sustain viability of encapsulated human fibroblasts, hepatocytes, embryonic kidney (HEK), and embryonic stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes (hESC-CMs) through culture, injection, and transcutaneous implantation in mice. These injectable XTEN-based hydrogels show promise for both in vitro cell culture and in vivo cell transplantation applications. Shear-thinning and self-healing telechelic recombinant protein-based hydrogels based on XTEN are introduced. Point mutations to self-associating coil domains yield materials with programmable viscoelasticity and biodegradability. These materials protect and sustain viability of human fibroblasts, hepatocytes, HEK, and embryonic stem-cell-derived cardiomyocytes cultured within these genetically encodable biopolymer networks following in vivo injection. Such injectable hydrogels hold promise for therapeutic cell transplantation. image
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