
Enhancing Life Cycle Product Design Decision-Making Processes: Insights from Normal Accident Theory and the Satisficing Framework

Resources, conservation and recycling(2024)

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Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), a computational tool for enabling sustainable product design decision making, faces challenges in the interpretation phase, where conclusions are drawn for improvement recommendations. This necessitate the need to incorporate into LCA management-relevant theoretical underpinnings to strengthen decision-making processes. Comparative LCA case studies of lead-based piezoelectric material (lead zirconate titanate – PZT) and lead-free alternatives (potassium sodium niobate – KNN, sodium bismuth titanate – NBT), was employed to demonstrate how two theoretical lenses, namely Normal Accident Theory (NAT) and the Satisficing Framework, are used inductively to enhance decision making regarding unintended consequences in the value chain. By operationalising NAT, which has hitherto focused on the consequences of physical accidents, as a life cycle engineering-based methodology, NAT attributes of interactive complexity and tight coupling was revealed in piezoelectric materials, based on environmental systems’ predictability, observability, and applicability. This led to the introduction of Environmental Impact Accident (EIA) as a new concept, facilitating an early assessment of the associated complexities influencing the sustainability credentials of piezoelectric materials whilst informing mitigation strategies. However, when considering multiple objectives that conflict or trade-off between alternative piezoelectric materials with different environmental and health impacts across the value chain, a conundrum is created but resolved using the Satisficing Framework. The paper concludes by proposing theoretical and practical policy options for incorporating LCA into product life cycle decision making.
Life Cycle Design,Life Cycle Assessment,Smart Materials,Material Substitution,Normal Accident Theory,Environmental Impact Accident,Satisficing Framework
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