
Assimilating FY-4A AGRI Radiances with a Channel-Sensitive Cloud Detection Scheme for the Analysis and Forecasting of Multiple Typhoons

Advances in Atmospheric Sciences(2024)

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This paper presents an attempt at assimilating clear-sky FY-4A Advanced Geosynchronous Radiation Imager (AGRI) radiances from two water vapor channels for the prediction of three landfalling typhoon events over the West Pacific Ocean using the 3DVar data assimilation (DA) method along with the WRF model. A channel-sensitive cloud detection scheme based on the particle filter (PF) algorithm is developed and examined against a cloud detection scheme using the multivariate and minimum residual (MMR) algorithm and another traditional cloud mask–dependent cloud detection scheme. Results show that both channel-sensitive cloud detection schemes are effective, while the PF scheme is able to reserve more pixels than the MMR scheme for the same channel. In general, the added value of AGRI radiances is confirmed when comparing with the control experiment without AGRI radiances. Moreover, it is found that the analysis fields of the PF experiment are mostly improved in terms of better depicting the typhoon, including the temperature, moisture, and dynamical conditions. The typhoon track forecast skill is improved with AGRI radiance DA, which could be explained by better simulating the upper trough. The impact of assimilating AGRI radiances on typhoon intensity forecasts is small. On the other hand, improved rainfall forecasts from AGRI DA experiments are found along with reduced errors for both the thermodynamic and moisture fields, albeit the improvements are limited.
FY-4A AGRI radiance,particle filter,multiple typhoons,data assimilation,numerical weather prediction
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