A Rare Case of Hematometrocolpos due to Transverse Vaginal Septum along with Distal Vaginal Atresia in an Adolescent Girl.

Journal of the West African College of Surgeons(2023)

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Primary amenorrhoea due to Müllerian malformations is rare, with 1 in 4500 cases and 2%-8% of cases presenting as infertility. Obstructive Müllerian anomalies present as hematometra and hematocolpos during puberty. Timely surgical intervention is required to relieve acute pelvic pain and restore functional anatomy. A 15-year-old girl presented to OPD with complaints of severe pain in her lower abdomen and lower back for the last 2-3 weeks, not relieving on medication. She has not attained menarche and has been having cyclical pain and low backache for 7-8 days every month for the last year. Physical examination showed a suprapubic lump with vaginal agenesis. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed hematometrocolpos due to transverse vaginal septum and distal vaginal atresia. Pull-through vaginoplasty along with complete excision of transverse vaginal septum was performed. Vaginal dilator therapy was done after the healing of the sutures. In follow-up, the patient attained menstruation with a patent vagina. Obstructive Müllerian anomalies should be identified early by detailed clinical examination and targeted investigations to prevent long-term morbidity and infertility.
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