
Student Mission Control: Integrating Space Data Exploration into Data and Computer Science Education

SIGCSE 2024 Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V 2(2024)

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Data Science (DS) blends computer science, statistics, mathematics, and visualization. The absence of a nationwide DS curriculum in the US prompts educators to independently devise engaging DS curriculum. With support from the National Science Foundation and the United States Amateur Radio on the International Space Station, UC Berkeley teaching faculty developed a pilot curriculum, Student Mission Control (SMC), to engage middle and high school students with direct access to data and experiments aboard the International Space Station (ISS) to help develop skills of data inquiry, analysis, and exploration. SMC addresses a crucial challenge in computing education-enhancing the depth and engagement of data analysis activities with students. By using ISS on-orbit sensor data, SMC offers activities focused on data literacy, catering to an evolving need in computing courses. SMC not only enriches educational experiences, but also broadens participation in computing from underrepresented students to engage with authentic STEM-based data and visualizations, leveraging their interest in science, engineering, and space exploration. To extend the reach of SMC, we propose a workshop at SIGCSE. This workshop will equip participants with insights into the ISS, telemetry data, SMC design principles, and curriculum highlights. Engaging participants in collaborative hands-on notebook-based lab activities, the workshop will empower educators to integrate space-themed content into their classrooms. Attendees will receive a three-hour PD certificate, supporting their efforts to innovate CS education and make it more appealing to diverse students.
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