
Ions on the move: The combination of ion mobility and food metabolomics

Trends in Food Science & Technology(2024)

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Background The application of ion mobility coupled with mass spectrometry in food metabolomics has become increasingly popular since 2014, although it is still a niche combination in the field of food metabolomics and authentication. This growth can be attributed to its unique capability of offering detailed molecular analysis, which is crucial for accurate identification and quantification of compounds in complex food matrices. Scope and approach The review focuses on ion mobility spectrometry techniques such as drift tube ion mobility spectrometry, travelling wave ion mobility spectrometry, and other specialised techniques. We look at their ability to distinguish molecular species, especially isomers, which enhances the accuracy and depth of food metabolomic studies. Practical examples in which ion mobility significantly improved metabolite identification are described. Key findings and conclusions The findings show that ion mobility significantly improves (i) the number of metabolites characterised and (ii) the reliability of the structure assignation. Moreover, they show the reproducibility of ion mobility measurements in natural products, providing enhanced identification capabilities that are crucial in food authentication processes. The review concludes that the use of ion mobility mass spectrometry offers significant advancements in the field of food metabolomics, leading to a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of food composition.
Collision cross-section,Foodomics,High-resolution mass spectrometry,Ion mobility,Mass spectrometry,Metabolomics
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