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A novel analytical formulation for the stiffness of the component column web panel in shear with additional plates in bolted steel joints.

Engineering Structures(2024)

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Given that the stiffness of joints has an important influence on the global behavior of steel structures, considerable efforts have been made to develop methods to characterize their behavior. In the component method, that is adopted by Eurocode 3, one of the most relevant components is the column web panel in shear; however, this component has never been the subject of research when additional plates are welded between the column flanges to attach the secondary beams to the minor axis of the column. This paper proposes a stiffness formulation for the component column web panel in shear with additional plates, taking into account the stiffening contribution of these additional plates. To archive this, four experimental tests of beam-to-column joints were carried out, a finite element model was calibrated with the experimental data by comparing moment-rotation and moment-deformation curves, a parametric study of sixty different configurations was performed with the calibrated finite element models to obtain the stiffness of the component column web panel in shear and the initial stiffness of the joint. Then, the proposed stiffness formulation for the component was validated with the results of the parametric study, obtaining a very good agreement. Finally, a compilation of the stiffness formulation of all the components of the joint type extended end plate with additional plates was made and validated, when comparing this analytical stiffness with the initial stiffness of the joints of the parametric study, satisfactory concordance was found.
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Key words
Experimental,Finite element modelling,Components method,Column shear panel,Additional plates,Beam to column joint
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