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Conductive Magnetic Nanowires Accelerated Electron Transfer Between C1020 Carbon Steel and Desulfovibrio Vulgaris Biofilm

Science of the total environment(2024)

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Microbial biofilms are behind microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). Sessile cells in biofilms are many times more concentrated volumetrically than planktonic cells in the bulk fluids, thus providing locally high concentrations of chemicals. More importantly, "electroactive" sessile cells in biofilms are capable of utilizing extracellularly supplied electrons (e.g., from elemental Fe) for intracellular reduction of an oxidant such as sulfate in energy metabolism. MIC directly caused by anaerobic biofilms is classified into two main types based on their mechanisms: extracellular electron transfer MIC (EET-MIC) and metabolite MIC (M-MIC). Sulfatereducing bacteria (SRB) are notorious for their corrosivity. They can cause EET-MIC in carbon steel, but they can also secrete biogenic H2S to corrode other metals such as Cu directly via M-MIC. This study investigated the use of conductive magnetic nanowires as electron mediators to accelerate and thus identify EET-MIC of C1020 by Desulfovibrio vulgaris. The presence of 40 ppm (w/w) nanowires in ATCC 1249 culture medium at 37 degrees C resulted in 45 % higher weight loss and 57 % deeper corrosion pits after 7-day incubation. Electrochemical tests using linear polarization resistance and potentiodynamic polarization supported the weight loss data trend. These findings suggest that conductive magnetic nanowires can be employed to identify EET-MIC. The use of insoluble 2 mu m long nanowires proved that the extracellular section of the electron transfer process is a bottleneck in SRB MIC of carbon steel.
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Extracellular electron transfer,Electron mediator,Nanowires,Microbiologically influenced corrosion,Biofilm,Sulfate reducing bacteria
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