[Antenatal care for fetuses with congenital diaphragmatic hernia].

Charles Mégier,Alexandra Letourneau, Lina Bejjani, Meriem Macha Boumerzoug, Cécile Suffee, Van Huynh,Julien Saada, Grégoire Dumery,Alexandra Benachi

Gynecologie, obstetrique, fertilite & senologie(2024)

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Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) can be diagnosed prenatally and its severity assessed by fetal imaging. The prognosis of a fetus with CDH is based on whether or not the hernia is isolated, the measurement of lung volume on ultrasound and MRI, and the position of the liver. The birth of a child with CDH should take place in a center adapted to the care of such children, and in accordance with the recommendations defined by the French National Diagnosis and Care Protocol. It has recently been demonstrated that for moderate and severe forms of CDH, tracheal occlusion using a balloon placed in utero by fetoscopy (FETO) increases survival until discharge from the neonatal unit, but at the cost of an increased risk of prematurity. At the same time, advances in neonatal resuscitation and the standardization of follow-up of these children within the framework of the "Centre de référence maladies rares: hernie de coupole diaphragmatique" have improved the prognosis of these children and young adults.
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