Refined Protocol for the Isolation and Purification of BETALAINS Pigment from Celosia argentea y Beta vulgaris v1

Antonino Michel Lecona Jiménez,Kalpana Nanjareddy,Manoj-Kumar Arthikala


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Betalains, a group of secondary metabolites exclusive to the Caryophyllales order, are particularly abundant in plants such as beets. These compounds play a crucial role as pigments, imparting vibrant hues to different parts of the plant, ranging from roots to flowers. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, recent investigations have unveiled the multifaceted potential of betalains in diverse fields. In biotechnology, betalains are being explored for their applications in areas such as natural dyes, food coloring agents, and even as potential alternatives to synthetic antioxidants. Their ability to exhibit vivid colors while also offering health benefits makes them particularly attractive for various industrial applications. In medicine, research suggests that betalains may possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-cancer properties. These compounds show promise in mitigating oxidative stress, inflammation, and cellular damage, thereby potentially contributing to the prevention and treatment of various diseases. Furthermore, in the realm of human nutrition, betalains are increasingly recognized for their potential health-promoting effects. They are being investigated for their role in cardiovascular health, immune function, and overall well-being. Incorporating betalain-rich foods into diets may offer nutritional advantages beyond mere color enhancement. The protocol outlined here provides a systematic approach for the extraction and purification of betalains from different types of fresh plant tissues, including tubers, flowers, and stems. By obtaining purified samples, researchers can delve deeper into the biochemical characteristics of betalains, unraveling their mechanisms of action and exploring their full potential in various applications. This meticulous methodology serves as a crucial step towards harnessing the benefits of betalains for both scientific advancement and practical use in industries ranging from biotechnology to medicine and nutrition.
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