
Ehrlichia effector TRP120 manipulates bacteremia to facilitate tick acquisition


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Ehrlichia species are obligatory intracellular bacteria that cause a potentially fatal disease, human ehrlichiosis. The biomolecular mechanisms of tick acquisition of Ehrlichia and transmission between ticks and mammals are poorly understood. Ehrlichia japonica infection of mice recapitulates the full spectrum of human ehrlichiosis. We compared the pathogenicity and host acquisition of wild-type E. japonica with an isogenic transposon mutant of E. japonica that lacks tandem repeat protein 120 (TRP120) (Delta TRP120). Both wild-type and Delta TRP120 E. japonica proliferated similarly in cultures of mammalian and tick cells. Upon inoculation into mice, both wild-type and Delta TRP120 E. japonica multiplied to high levels in various tissues, with similar clinical chemistry and hematologic changes, proinflammatory cytokine induction, and fatal disease. However, the blood levels of Delta TRP120 E. japonica were almost undetectable within 24 h, whereas the levels of the wild type increased exponentially. Greater than 90% of TRP120 was released from infected cells into the culture medium. Mouse blood monocytes exposed to native TRP120 from culture supernatants showed significantly reduced cell surface expression of the transmigration-related markers Ly6C and CD11b. Larval ticks attached to mice infected with either wild-type or Delta TRP120 E. japonica imbibed similar amounts of blood and subsequently molted to nymphs at similar rates. However, unlike wild-type E. japonica, the Delta TRP120 mutant was minimally acquired by larval ticks and subsequent molted nymphs and, thus, failed to transmit to na & iuml;ve mice. Thus, TRP120 is required for bacteremia but not disease. These findings suggest a novel mechanism whereby an obligatory intracellular bacterium manipulates infected blood monocytes to sustain the tick-mammal transmission cycle.
Ehrlichia japonica,TRP120,bacteremia,tick acquisition/transmission,blood,mouse,monocytes
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