Artificial Neural Network-Driven Healthcare Resource Management for Improved Outcomes in Infectious Disease Control

T. Mothilal, V. Paranthaman,S. Socrates, Srinivas Aluvala

2023 IEEE International Conference on ICT in Business Industry & Government (ICTBIG)(2023)

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The efficient administration of healthcare resources is crucial for successful infectious disease control. The merging of technology and medicine has opened the path for revolutionary changes in today's healthcare system. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are one of them that has the potential to radically alter the way healthcare is administered. Using ANNs, this paper presents a novel method dubbed “Dynamic Patient Risk Stratification (DyPRoN).” DyPRoN performs real-time risk assessments of individual patients, allowing for flexible distribution of medical resources. Adaptability to the dynamic nature of infectious illnesses is hindered by the prevalence of static models in conventional approaches. However, DyPRoN uses ANNs to do continuous analysis of patient data, allowing for risk classification in real time. This adaptive method improves healthcare resource management, which in turn helps with infectious disease control.
Enhancing Data,Redistributing Data,Properties and Algorithms,Painstakingly Developed,Few-Shot Learning Module,Signal Modulation Classification
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