Freshness-aware Block Propagation Optimization in 6G-based Web 3.0: An Evolutionary Game Approach


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Driven by the aspiration to establish a decentralized digital economy, Web 3.0 is emerging as the fundamental technology for digital transformation. Incorporating the promising sixth-generation (6G) technology with large bandwidth and space-air-ground integrated coverage, 6G-based Web 3.0 holds great potential in empowering users with enhanced data control and facilitating secure peer-to-peer transactions, especially in consumer electronics, through the utilization of blockchain technologies. However, 6G-based Web 3.0 is still in its infancy, such as ensuring block freshness and optimizing block propagation to improve blockchain performance. In this paper, we develop a freshness-aware block propagation optimization framework for 6G-based Web 3.0. We first propose a novel metric called Age of Block Information (AoBI) based on the concept of age of information to quantify block freshness. To make block propagation optimization tractable, we classify miners into five different states and propose a block propagation model for public blockchains inspired by epidemic models. Moreover, considering that the miners are bounded rational, we propose an incentive mechanism based on the evolutionary game for block propagation to improve block propagation efficiency. Numerical results demonstrate that compared with other block propagation mechanisms, the proposed scheme has a higher block forwarding probability, which improves block propagation efficiency.
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