Digital Transformation of Cultural Heritage for Various Museum Applications.

International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communications(2024)

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The demand for digital transformation is also growing in the field of culture and arts. Digital transformation consists of the digitization and utilization of data and information. The use of data, network, and artificial intelligence (DNA) technologies, which are core infrastructure for digital transformation, is continuously expanding in the field of culture and arts. In the coming era of digital transformation, it is expected that new changes will come to the work of museums that hold a large amount of cultural heritage data. By expanding tasks such as management, search, and screening of relics that are currently digitized to some extent, most of the work in all fields, including meetings, exhibitions, planning, education, publicity, and preservation, will be mainly performed in a digital environment. This paper presents a case of developing an intelligent cultural heritage platform using artificial intelligence technology currently being promoted by the National Museum of Korea. We hope that this paper will be used as an opportunity to share and discuss the present and future direction of intelligent culture and arts.
Digital Heritage,Cultural Heritage,Intelligent Curation,Digital Transformation,Digital Museum
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