Mixed Species Charge and Baryon Balance Functions Studies with PYTHIA


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Mixed species charge and baryon balance functions are computed based on proton–proton (pp) collisions simulated with the PYTHIA8 model. Simulations are performed with selected values of the collision energy √(s) and the Monash tune and the Ropes and Shoving modes of PYTHIA8 to explore whether such measurements provide useful new information and constraints on mechanisms of particle production in pp collisions. Charge balance functions are studied based on mixed pairs of pions, kaons, and protons, whereas baryon balance functions are computed for mixed low mass strange and non-strange baryons. Both charge and baryon balance functions of mixed particle pairs feature shapes and amplitudes that sensitively depend on the particle considered owing largely to the particle production mechanisms implemented in PYTHIA. The evolution of balance functions integrals with the longitudinal width of the acceptance are presented and one finds that sums of such integrals for a given reference particle obey expected sum rules for both charge and baryon balance functions. Additionally, both types of balance functions are found to evolve in shape and amplitude with increasing collision energy √(s) and the PYTHIA tunes considered.
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