
Leadership for Sustainable Development: A Review of Emerging Dimensions of Sustainable Leadership and Opportunities for Future Research

Green and Digital Transition – Challenge or Opportunity(2024)

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The aim of the research is to review the narrative of sustainable leadership in the light of current challenges such as geopolitical over composition, economic risk, supply chain disruption and inflation, and to provide guidance for future research and practical implementation. We conducted the research by examining the documents in the Scopus database that specifically address sustainable leadership in industry. In doing so, we determined intensity of research, geographical research presence, the most explored country industries and prevalence by type of research. It became apparent that despite its almost 20-year presence in the academic literature, sustainable leadership as an independent research construct is still in the development phase and has much potential for further progress. This is confirmed by the small number of articles, authors and geographical absence in most parts of the world. Accordingly, further research on sustainable leadership is needed to achieve greater currency and in-depth understanding both in the academic field and in business. In this sense, we propose constructive interaction of researchers from the fields of business and management with researchers from the field of education.
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