
Investigating the Therapeutic Effects of Ferroptosis on Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Using a Dual-Locking Mitochondrial Targeting Strategy.

Junling Yin, Xueying Zheng,Yuxi Zhao, Xiaotong Shen, Tian Cheng, Xinyu Shao,Xinying Jing,Shuhong Huang,Weiying Lin

Angewandte Chemie International Edition(2024)

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Research on ferroptosis in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury (MIRI) using mitochondrial viscosity as a nexus holds great promise for MIRI therapy. However, high-precision visualisation of mitochondrial viscosity remains a formidable task owing to the debilitating electrostatic interactions caused by damaged mitochondrial membrane potential. Herein, we propose a dual-locking mitochondria-targeting strategy that incorporates electrostatic forces and probe-protein molecular docking. Even in damaged mitochondria, stable and precise visualisation of mitochondrial viscosity in triggered and medicated MIRI was achieved owing to the sustained driving forces (e.g., pi-cation, pi-alkyl interactions, etc.) between the developed probe, CBS, and the mitochondrial membrane protein. Moreover, complemented by a western blot, we confirmed that ferrostatin-1 exerts its therapeutic effect on MIRI by improving the system xc-/GSH/GPX4 antioxidant system, confirming the therapeutic value of ferroptosis in MIRI. This study presents a novel strategy for developing robust mitochondrial probes, thereby advancing MIRI treatment. A dual-lock mitochondrial targeting strategy for probe CBS, which incorporates electrostatic forces and probe-protein docking principles, was firstly proposed and demonstrated. Our work achieved stable and precise visualization of mitochondrial viscosity in triggered and medicated myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury (MIRI) and confirmed the therapeutic value of ferroptosis in MIRI image
Mitochondrial targerting,fluorescent probe,ferroptosis,mitochondrial viscosity,myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury
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