
From Biological Activity to Stereoselectivity: A Portrait of Molecular and Mechanistic Profiles of the Therapeutic Potential of G-1 and LNS8801 As GPER-1 Activator in the Treatment of Waldenström’s Macroglobulinemia

Innovation Discovery(2024)

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Therapeutic activation of G protein-coupled estrogen receptor 1 (GPER-1) shows promise for treating Waldenström's Macroglobulinemia (WM). Recently, the selective small-molecule agonist G-1 or its enantiomer LNS8801 were reported as potent GPER-1 pharmacological activators, however, the molecular events surrounding their chirality towards GPER-1 is still unexplored. This study aimed to explore the molecular events surrounding the chirality of the selective small-molecule agonists G-1 and LNS8801 towards GPER-1. Molecular docking and dynamics simulations revealed strong binding affinities and key amino acid residues involved in the activation process. The results revealed favourable binding affinities of -29.87kcal/mol, and -28.09kcal/mol for G-1 and LNS8801 towards GPER-1, respectively. Per-residue energy decomposition and time-dependent analysis proved that Arg253 and Arg254 are key amino acid residues in binding these activators towards GPER-1. The activators affected stability, flexibility, and structure of GPER-1. G-1 exhibited greater rigidity when bound to GPER-1 compared to LNS880. This study's findings illuminate chirality and the potential for optimizing the enantiomer ratio to enhance inhibitory effects. These results could also reveal the molecular specifics and binding mechanism of the G-1 and its enantiomer LNS8801 with GPER-1, laying the basis for the rational design of enhanced chiral molecules against WM.
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