
Noise-induced Synaptic Loss and Its Post-Exposure Recovery in CBA/CaJ Vs. C57BL/6J Mice

Hearing research(2024)

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Acute noise-induced loss of synapses between inner hair cells (IHCs) and auditory nerve fibers (ANFs) has been documented in several strains of mice, but the extent of post-exposure recovery reportedly varies dramatically. If such inter-strain heterogeneity is real, it could be exploited to probe molecular pathways mediating neural remodeling in the adult cochlea. Here, we compared synaptopathy repair in CBA/CaJ vs. C57BL/6J, which are at opposite ends of the reported recovery spectrum. We evaluated C57BL/6J mice 0 h, 24 h, 2 wks or 8 wks after exposure for 2 h to octave-band noise (8 - 16 kHz) at either 90, 94 or 98 dB SPL, to compare with analogous postexposure results in CBA/CaJ at 98 or 101 dB. We counted preand post-synaptic puncta in immunostained cochleas, using machine learning to classify paired (GluA2 and CtBP2) vs. orphan (CtBP2 only) puncta, and batch-processing to quantify immunostaining intensity. At 98 dB, both strains show ongoing loss of ribbons and synapses between 0 and 24 h, followed by partial recovery, however the extent and degree of these changes were greater in C57BL/6J. Much of the synaptic recovery is due to transient reduction in GluA2 intensity in synaptopathic regions. In contrast, CtBP2 intensity showed only transient increases (at 2 wks). Neurofilament staining revealed transient extension of ANF terminals in C57BL/6J, but not in CBA/CaJ, peaking at 24 h and reverting by 2 wks. Thus, although interstrain differences in synapse recovery are dominated by reversible changes in GluA2 receptor levels, the neurite extension seen in C57BL/6J suggests a qualitative difference in regenerative capacity.
Synaptopathy,Auditory nerve,Regeneration
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