Investigating geometry adjustments for enhanced performance in a PeLUIt-10 MWt pebble bed HTGR with OTTO refueling scheme

Nuclear Engineering and Design(2024)

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This research investigates the impact of changes in reactor geometry to discover more optimal dimensional options for nuclear power plants with potential applications in remote areas of Indonesia. The reactor used is PeLUIt-10, a pebble bed High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) with a 10 MWt capacity and a “once-through-then-out” or OTTO fuel loading scheme. The neutronic and thermal–hydraulic performances of PeLUIt-10 were analyzed with its core size altered, first by modifying its height-to-diameter ratio (H/D ratio) and second by reducing its core volume. These analyses were performed using the Pebble Bed Reactor Neutron Diffusion (PEBBED) Code, a specialized tool to analyze HTGR reactor physics parameters, particularly Pebble Bed Reactors.. Neutronic parameters analyzed include total fuel flow, burnup, power peaking factor, and power density distribution. For thermal-hydraulics and safety, parameters include steady-state and transient fuel temperatures, especially in Depressurized Loss of Forced Cooling (DLOFC) accidents. Results show that the optimal design, maintaining a volume of 5 m3, is a reactor with a height of 159.57 cm and a diameter of 200 cm (H/D ratio of 0.8). The fuel can achieve a maximum burnup of 80.97 MWD/kg-HM at this size. Power density distribution at these dimension is better than another dimensions, with a relatively low power peaking value of 1.4. For safety parameters, the fuel temperature in transient conditions remains below the safety limit. Meanwhile, when the core volume is reduced, the minimum burnup target of 60 MWD/kg-HM at a reactor volume of 4.4 m3 with a diameter of 172 cm and height of 189.2 cm. Thus, for OTTO-cycle PeLUIt-10, altering H/D ratio is more beneficial.
HTGR,PeLUIt-10,TRISO,Pebble bed
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