Scoping Review: Transdiagnostic Measurement of Impulsivity Domains In Youth Using the UPPS Impulsive Behavior Scales

A. Irem Sonmez, Justin Q. Garcia, Lalita Thitiseranee,Caren J. Blacker,Charles P. Lewis

Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry(2024)

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Objective Impulsivity contributes to many clinically relevant behaviors impacting youth. We conducted a scoping review to characterize existing research using the Urgency, Premeditation (lack of), Perseverance (lack of), Sensation Seeking (UPPS) Impulsive Behavior Scale (UPPS) Impulsive Behavior Scales in youth populations; to review its psychometric and validity data; and to summarize findings related to sex/gender and diagnostic populations of youth. Method PubMed, Embase, and PsycNET databases were searched from 1 January 2001 (original UPPS publication) through 2 October 2022 according to PRISMA-ScR guidelines. Articles were reviewed for inclusion/exclusion by two authors. We included original research articles in English using any UPPS version or subscale in persons aged ≤ 21 years. Results Forty-five articles met inclusion criteria, with low bias and moderate-to-high quality. Most were cross-sectional; studies investigated diverse community and clinical samples. The UPPS demonstrated consistent factor structure, good reliability, and good external validity with other measures of impulsive behaviors and conditions associated with impaired impulse control. Some studies observed differences in UPPS domain scores between sex or gender groups, or differential patterns in relationships between UPPS domains and clinical variables. UPPS subscale scores often differed in youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorders, substance use, and excess weight/obesity compared to control youth. UPPS domains commonly had interactions with sex/gender, sociodemographic, and diagnosis-related variables. Conclusion The current literature suggests that the UPPS has utility in measuring distinct components of impulsivity in clinical and nonclinical populations of youth. Specificity in discriminating diagnostic groups and predicting risk currently remains uncertain. Further research is needed to integrate UPPS measures with experimental models and additional neurobiological methods, and to assess longitudinal developmental trajectories.
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