Comprehensive transition of care for polycystic ovary syndrome from adolescence to adulthood

Stacey L Simon,Phoutdavone Phimphasone-Brady, Kathryn M McKenney,Lauren D Gulley, Andrea E Bonny,Jaime M Moore, Carla Torres-Zegarra,Melanie G Cree

The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health(2024)

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Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a lifelong chronic condition that affects one in ten females and can be diagnosed in adolescence. As adolescents with PCOS transition to adulthood, counselling for lifestyle management and mental health concerns often transition from involving the family unit to increasingly individual-focused approaches. PCOS is associated with a large range of comorbidities affecting reproductive, metabolic, dermatological, and psychological health. The diagnosis and comorbidities of PCOS are influenced by pubertal hormones and need to be reassessed continuously to ensure that treatment remains appropriate for age and development. As young patients grow up, personal concerns often change, especially in relation to reproductive management. In this Review, we present prevalence rates, screening tools, and treatment recommendations for PCOS-related conditions, and we consider the diagnostic and clinical elements of optimal transition of care models that ensure continuity of comprehensive care for adolescents moving from the paediatric health-care system to the adult health-care system.
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