Polymer-Infused Textile Thermoelectrics for Power Generation


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Thermoelectric textiles, constructed from thermoelectric materials and fabric, offer unique advantages compared to other types as they facilitate thermal energy harvesting from the human body and conform exceptionally well to dynamic body curves. This underscores their potential for on-body applications in electricity generation. In this investigation, we present a tellurium-free polymer-based textile thermoelectric prototype manufactured through a cost-effective method known as the solution drop-casting process. Two organic polymers, PEDOT:PSS and PVDF, are judiciously employed at optimized concentrations. At 300 K, the resulting PEDOT:PSS + PVDF/fabric thermoelectric film could exhibit an impressive output power factor of 60 nW/mK(2). The processed thermoelectric film could retain its electronic properties after 500 bending cycles, which confirms its extraordinarily flexible nature. When subjected to a temperature gradient of 35 K, the textile thermoelectric prototype could generate a noteworthy output voltage and power of 3.8 mV and 2.7 nW, respectively, at 300 K. Importantly, when in contact with a human wrist and subjected to a temperature difference of similar to 3 K, the prototype produced a 0.2 mV output voltage, which is reliable. Above all, the prototype exhibited an outstanding output voltage of approximately 13 mV, when its cold-end and hot-end were at 236 and 277 K, respectively. This corroborated the compatibility and superior energy generation performance of the investigated textile thermoelectrics under cold environmental conditions. Our study emphasizes the feasibility of Te-free, nontoxic polymer-based textile thermoelectric fabric for power generation using the human body and other low-grade heat available below and at room temperature.
polymer-based thermoelectric material,thermoelectrictextiles,Seebeck coefficient,body-heat harvesting,voltage output,thermoelectric power generation
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