Development of beat-by-beat blood pressure monitoring device and nocturnal sec-surge detection algorithm


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The nocturnal blood pressure (BP) surge in seconds (sec-surge) is defined as a brief, acute transient BP elevation over several tens of seconds, triggered by obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and sympathetic hyperactivity. Sec-surge imposes a significant strain on the cardiovascular system, potentially triggering cardiovascular events. Quantitative evaluation of sec-surge level could be valuable in assessing cardiovascular risks. To accurately measure the detailed sec-surge, including its shape as BP rises and falls, we developed a beat-by-beat (BbB) BP monitoring device using tonometry. In addition, we developed an automatic sec-surge detection algorithm to help identify sec-surge cases in the overnight BbB BP data. The device and algorithm successfully detected sec-surges in patients with OSA. Our results demonstrated that sec-surge was associated with left ventricular hypertrophy and arterial stiffness independently of nocturnal BP level or variability. Sec-surge would be worth monitoring for assessing cardiovascular risks, in addition to nocturnal BP level.Nocturnal blood pressure (BP) surge in seconds (sec-surge) places heavy load on the cardiovascular system and can trigger cardiovascular events. To identify sec-surges, we developed a beat-by-beat BP monitoring device and a sec-surge detection algorithm. Furthermore, sec-surge was more related to cardiovascular risks than conventional nocturnal BP parameters.
Beat-by-beat blood pressure,Blood pressure surge in seconds,Blood pressure variability,Nocturnal blood pressure
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