
Sign Language Classification Using Deep Learning Convolution Neural Networks Algorithm

Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B(2024)

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An individual experiencing hearing impairment faces a persistent challenge when it comes to person-to-person interactions. Sign language has unquestionably emerged as a highly effective solution for those with both hearing and speech disabilities, providing a practical and successful means to convey their thoughts and emotions to the wider world, further developed for facilitating the integration procedure for simplification among individuals. This difficulty of sign language development will be feasible based on specific constraints. The movement of different sign languages supports the one that can ever learn. Besides, these languages commonly turn out to be cluttered and ambiguous. The study fills the communication gap for automating the sign motions identified with the challenging approach. Therefore, utilize the web camera for capturing the pictures associated with hand gestures, integrating the developed system for anticipating and demonstrating the output image. Images underwent several quantified phases processed for the involvement of supervised technology. For attaining the classification of the picture within the means of training and testing of the network, the progressed heuristic approach like convolutional neural network has been employed. It is observed from the resources that the accuracy and loss evolution are reached at the equivalent rate under exponential growth within the action distributed, which has been distinguished with 24 American Sign Language gesture alphabets. This approach exhibits complete characterization performance with around 96
NumPy,Cv2,Keras,Tensor flow,CNN,Convolution,Pooling,Feature extraction,Classification
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