
Validation of the Italian Translation of the Psychological Rich Life Questionnaire and evaluation its relationship with Mindfulness, Self-Compassion, Cognitive Fusion and Anxiety


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Grounded in the theoretical framework that a fulfilling life encompasses happiness, meaning, and psychological richness, this study introduces the Italian translation of the Psychologically Rich Life Questionnaire (PRLQ) and explores its connection with mindfulness, self-compassion, cognitive fusion, and anxiety positing psychological richness as a critical, yet distinct, component of well-being. Psychological richness, characterized by diverse and interesting experiences, complements the hedonic and eudaimonic dimensions of well-being, offering a broader perspective on what constitutes a meaningful life.Method. We translated the original scale into Italian applying a subsequent back translation procedure. The resulting version was administered to a small sample (N=10) to check for the comprehensibility of the items. Then, the Italian version of the PRLQ’s reliability and single-factor structure was evaluated through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, in a large sample (N=418) of the Italian population. Moreover, we investigated the relationships between psychological richness and other psychological constructs related to happiness, mindfulness and anxiety.Results. The exploratory factor analysis confirmed the original PRLQ structure, indicating one dimension, namely psychological richness, and the excellent internal consistency of the questionnaire. The confirmatory factor analysis also revealed a good fit of the model for the one-factor structure, confirming that psychological richness is related to other happiness constructs, but appear to be distinct from them. We then showed that psychological richness is positively associated with mindfulness and self-compassion while being inversely related to anxiety and cognitive fusion. Conclusions. These findings support the Italian PRLQ (PRLQ-I) as valid and reliable instrument for measuring psychological richness and confirm the significance of incorporating psychological richness construct in happiness and well-being models, suggesting avenues for mental health practices. They moreover contribute to the understanding of its interplay with mindfulness, self-compassion, and cognitive processes, providing a comprehensive view of the components that foster a fulfilling life.
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