Use of Finite Element Method Software to Assess the Safety of a Newly Designed Electric Motorcycle Frame


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Two distinct approaches are available for scrutinizing the impact of diverse loads and the full-load capacity, modal characteristics, and fatigue life of an electric motorcycle frame. The initial method entails affixing stress sensors directly to the frame, whereas the second method leverages finite element method (FEM) software to conduct simulations. In this particular study, the simulation approach was adopted, and in this paper, the feasibility of establishing an analytical system for assessing an electric motorcycle frame was determined through the utilization of FEM software tools such as Visual Basic (VB) and ANSYS Parametric Design Language (APDL). Through the use of simulation analysis, we aimed to explore potential structural defects and provide directions for potential modifications, ultimately obtaining an electric motorcycle frame design that complies with regulations and exhibits improved performance. We first utilized computer-aided design software to create the motorcycle frame and generate a geometric model. Following this, FEM analyses were conducted to evaluate a prototype of the innovative electric motorcycle frame design. These analyses encompassed modes of force transmission in left and right bending moments, front and rear torques, and the results of postcollision deformation of the electric motorcycle frame. These analyses were carried out under specific conditions stipulated by the Vehicle Testing Center, covering a range of load conditions with various degrees of deformation and strength. This allowed us to assess whether the frame structure complies with regulatory standards.
electric motorcycle,frame,finite element analysis software,ANSYS
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