Leveraging aquatic-terrestrial interfaces to capture putative habitat generalists


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Habitat type is a strong determinant of microbial composition. Habitat interfaces, such as the boundary between aquatic and terrestrial systems, present unique combinations of abiotic factors for microorganisms to contend with. Aside from the spillover of certain harmful microorganisms from agricultural soils into water (e.g. fecal coliform bacteria), we know little about the extent of soil-water habitat switching across microbial taxa. In this study, we developed a proof-of-concept system to facilitate the capture of putatively generalist microorganisms that can colonize and persist in both soil and river water. We aimed to examine the phylogenetic breadth of putative habitat switchers and how this varies across different source environments. Microbial composition was primarily driven by recipient environment type, with the strongest phylogenetic signal seen at the order level for river water colonizers. We also identified more microorganisms colonizing river water when soil was collected from a habitat interface (i.e. soil at the side of an intermittently flooded river, compared to soil collected further from water sources), suggesting that environmental interfaces could be important reservoirs of microbial habitat generalists. Continued development of experimental systems that actively capture microorganisms that thrive in divergent habitats could serve as a powerful tool for identifying and assessing the ecological distribution of microbial generalists. A new system using microbiome transfer between aquatic and terrestrial environments to identify putative microbial habitat generalists.
microbial colonization,habitat generalism,trait conservation,environmental interfaces,abiotic constraints,microbiome manipulation
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