High quality factor double negative metamaterial for textile fabric and fabric moisture sensing applications


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This study introduces an innovative high-Quality factor (Q-factor) double negative (DNG) metamaterial sensor designed for textile fabric and fabric moisture sensing applications in the dynamic realm of textile innovation. The sensor is specifically designed to detect the dielectric properties and moisture content of different textile fabrics. The high Q-factor of this metamaterial structure ensures heightened sensitivity and accuracy in fabric sensing, facilitating precise detection of even subtle changes in fabric properties. By measuring frequency shifting and analyzing S21 values, the sensor provides crucial information about the fabric's dielectric characteristics. Sensing experiments conducted on various fabrics, including cotton, denim, corduroy, organza, and polyester unveil distinctive patterns of frequency shifting and Q-factors, establishing a nuanced link between fabric structure and sensor performance. The proposed sensor is capable of detecting fabrics with a very low dielectric constant variation of 0.05. In the experiment, the high-dielectric fabric denim (1.7) exhibited frequency shifting and Q-factor of 6970 and 834.87, respectively. Moreover, it is worth noting that the low-dielectric fabric organza (1.03) exhibits frequency shifting and Q factors of 2190 and 1367.03, respectively. Experimental results affirm the prominent efficacy of the proposed sensor in fabric and fabric moisture sensing. Its high Q-factor empowers the sensor to accurately detect and monitor fabric properties, rendering it highly suitable for critical tasks such as quality control, energy efficiency optimization, and process enhancement within the textile industry. The proposed metamaterial sensor (MMS) can significantly contribute to the development of a smart textile sensing technology and pave the way for innovative applications in the textile industry.
double negative metamaterial,microwave sensors,fabric moisture sensor,textile fabric sensor,Q-factor
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