Neuroprotective Roles of the Biliverdin Reductase-A/Bilirubin Axis in the Brain


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Biliverdin reductase-A (BVRA) is a multi-functional enzyme with a multitude of important roles in physiologic redox homeostasis. Classically, BVRA is well known for converting the heme metabolite biliverdin to bilirubin, which is a potent antioxidant in both the periphery and the brain. However, BVRA additionally participates in many neuroprotective signaling cascades in the brain that preserve cognition. Here, we review the neuroprotective roles of BVRA and bilirubin in the brain, which together constitute a BVRA/bilirubin axis that influences healthy aging and cognitive function.
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bilirubin,biliverdin reductase,superoxide,lipophilic antioxidant,cognition
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