Towards sustainable power generation: Recent advancements in floating photovoltaic technologies


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Floating solar photovoltaic systems are rapidly gaining traction due to their potential for higher energy yield and efficiency compared to conventional land -based solar photovoltaic systems. Recent studies indicate that this technology generates 0.6% to 4.4% more energy and exhibits efficiency improvements ranging from 0.1% to 4.45% over its land -based counterpart. Numerous studies conducted on evaluating this innovative technology have been reported, providing various insights required for further development. Unfortunately, these important pieces of information have been scattered: a comprehensive compilation of these findings is currently unavailable, resulting in a significant gap in knowledge and information. Thus, the main objective of this work is to provide a comprehensive insight into this new technology, various research and developments that have been reported and potential future development. The critical review indicates that advancements in this technology shall focus on improved floating structure design, robust instrumentation, wireless monitoring, and sensing capabilities. Moreover, novel technological solutions such as tracking systems, bi-facial solar panels, satellite -based array optimization, programming algorithms for grid integration, and artificial intelligence shall be further explored. Additionally, it was found that the integration of floating photovoltaic in marine environments and hydropower reservoirs holds significant promise for transforming global energy production. Despite these advancements, several hurdles remain, including safety concerns, risks associated with electricity-water interactions, standardization issues, national policy considerations, and potential increases in surrounding ground temperatures. It is vital to address the remaining challenges and leverage technological innovations to realize the full potential of floating photovoltaics in the transition towards sustainable energy production.
Floating solar photovoltaics,Solar energy,Sustainable & renewable energy
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