
Graph Neural Networks for CO 2 Solubility Predictions in Deep Eutectic Solvents

Gabriel Hernandez Morales,Edgar Ivan Sanchez Medina, Arturo Jimenez-Gutierrez,Victor M. Zavala


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Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) are a promising class of solvents for CO 2 capture. DESs are complex mixtures that can be designed to optimize CO 2 solubility and overall capture process efficiency. However, the vast design landscape of DES mixtures makes experimental investigation prohibitive; as such, there is a need for computational models that can quickly and efficiently navigate the design space and inform data collection efforts. In this work, we propose Graph Neural Network (GNN) models for predicting CO 2 solubility for DESs; the GNN leverages a mixture graph representation that captures the molecular structure of the DES components as well as their intermolecular interactions. We compare the GNN framework against alternative architectures (neural networks, graph convolution networks, and random forests) and data representations (molecular fingerprints, sigma profiles, and graphs). We show that the proposed approach offers superior predictive performance; specifically, we show that solubility can be predicted reliably directly from molecular structure (without the need of using sigma profiles as proposed in previous studies). This result is important, as obtaining sigma profiles requires expensive density functional theory computations. We also explored the ability of GNNs to predict solubility for new DES mixtures and operating conditions. We found that the model extrapolates across temperature reliably. However, we also found deficiencies in the ability of the model to predict solubility for DES mixtures, pressures, and molar ratio not included in the training sets; we show that this is due to an inherent lack of chemical diversity in datasets available in the literature. The proposed computational capabilities can thus help navigate the design space of DES and inform data collection efforts. Our models, data, and benchmarks are shared as Python code implemented in Jupyter notebooks.
CO2 capture,Deep Eutectic Solvents,Graph neural networks,Machine learning,Data representations
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