Maternal Brown Rice Diet during Pregnancy Promotes Adipose Tissue Browning in Offspring via Reprogramming PKA Signaling and DNA Methylation


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ScopeBrown rice, the most consumed food worldwide, has been shown to possess beneficial effects on the prevention of metabolic diseases. However, the way in which maternal brown rice diet improves metabolism in offspring and the regulatory mechanisms remains unclear. The study explores the epigenetic regulation of offspring energy metabolic homeostasis by maternal brown rice diet during pregnancy.Methods and resultsFemale mice are fed brown rice during pregnancy, and then body phenotypes, the histopathological analysis, and adipose tissues biochemistry assay of offspring mice are detected. It is found that maternal brown rice diet significantly reduces body weight and fat mass, increases energy expenditure and heat production in offspring. Maternal brown rice diet increases uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) protein level and upregulates the mRNA expression of thermogenic genes in adipose tissues. Mechanistically, protein kinase A (PKA) signaling is likely responsible in the induced thermogenic program in offspring adipocytes, and the progeny adipocytes browning program is altered due to decreased level of DNA methyltransferase 1 protein and hypomethylation of the transcriptional coregulator positive regulatory domain containing 16 (PRDM16).ConclusionsThese findings demonstrate that maternal brown rice during pregnancy improves offspring mice metabolic homeostasis via promoting adipose browning, and its mechanisms may be mediated by DNA methylation reprogramming. Maternal brown rice diet during pregnancy reduces adiposity risk of offspring mice. Maternal brown rice diet during pregnancy enhances thermogenic capacity in offspring by promoting adipocytes browning. Maternal brown rice diet epigenetically alters adipose tissues energy metabolism of offspring through protein kinase A (PKA) signaling and DNA methylation reprogramming. image
adipose tissue browning,brown rice,DNA methylation,intergenerational effects,metabolic homeostasis
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