A novel activation function based on DNA enzyme-free hybridization reaction and its implementation on nonlinear molecular learning systems


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With the advent of the post-Moore's Law era, the development of traditional silicon-based computers has reached its limit, and there is an urgent need to develop new computing technologies to meet the needs of science, technology, and daily life. Due to its super-strong parallel computing capability and outstanding data storage capacity, DNA computing has become an important branch and hot research topic of new computer technology. DNA enzyme-free hybridization reaction technology is widely used in DNA computing, showing excellent performance in computing power and information processing. Studies have shown that DNA molecules not only have the computing function of electronic devices, but also exhibit certain human brain-like functions. In the field of artificial intelligence, activation functions play an important role as they enable artificial intelligence systems to fit and predict non-linear and complex variable relationships. Due to the difficulty of implementing activation functions in DNA computing, DNA circuits cannot easily achieve all the functions of artificial intelligence. DNA circuits need to rely on electronic computers to complete the training and learning process. Based on the parallel computing characteristics of DNA computing and the kinetic features of DNA molecule displacement reactions, this paper proposes a new activation function. This activation function can not only be easily implemented by DNA enzyme-free hybridization reaction reactions, but also has good nesting properties in DNA circuits, and can be cascaded with other DNA reactions to form a complete DNA circuit. This paper not only provides the mathematical analysis of the proposed activation function, but also provides a detailed analysis of its kinetic features. The activation function is then nested into a nonlinear neural network for DNA computing. This system is capable of fitting and predicting a certain nonlinear function. This paper proposes a molecular multilayer learning system that utilizes a novel activation function to fit and predict multi-input nonlinear functional relationships.
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