
Examining Position Effects on Students’ Ability and Test-Taking Speed in the TIMSS 2019 Problem-Solving and Inquiry Tasks: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach

Deleted Journal(2024)

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Position effects occur when changes in item positions on a test impact the test outcomes (e.g., item parameters or test scores). Previous studies found that position effects may vary by the testing context and conditions and thus affect each test-taker differently. With the increasing adoption of digital assessments involving innovative item types that are focused on problem-solving skills, it is also essential to study position effects within this context. This study incorporates item-level scores and screen-level response time data from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2019 problem-solving and inquiry tasks for Grade 4 students to examine position effects on students’ ability and test-taking speed. This dataset included responses from 27,682 students from 36 countries. A structural equation modeling approach was employed to model ability and test-taking speed within the same model. The results indicated a small but statistically significant booklet effect on students’ overall mathematics and science ability. The impact of block position changes within the booklets seemed to be greater than the impact of a reordering of subjects tested in the two sessions. The results also showed that when an item block was placed earlier in a test session, students spent more time on the items and performed better. The implications of these findings are discussed.
booklet,position effect,problem-solving,large-scale assessment,structural equation modeling
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