Dopamine control of social novelty preference is constrained by an interpeduncular-tegmentum circuit


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Animals are inherently motivated to explore social novelty cues over familiar ones, resulting in a novelty preference (NP), although the behavioral and circuit bases underlying NP are unclear. Combining calcium and neurotransmitter sensors with fiber photometry and optogenetics in mice, we find that mesolimbic dopamine (DA) neurotransmission is strongly and predominantly activated by social novelty controlling bout length of interaction during NP, a response significantly reduced by familiarity. In contrast, interpeduncular nucleus (IPN) GABAergic neurons that project to the lateral dorsal tegmentum (LDTg) were inhibited by social novelty but activated during terminations with familiar social stimuli. Inhibition of this pathway during NP increased interaction and bout length with familiar social stimuli, while activation reduced interaction and bout length with novel social stimuli via decreasing DA neurotransmission. These data indicate interest towards novel social stimuli is encoded by mesolimbic DA which is dynamically regulated by an IPN -> LDTg circuit to control NP. Why animals prefer novel social encounters over familiar ones is unclear. Here, authors find that mesolimbic dopamine encodes novel social interaction bout length; whereas familiar social encounters are shortened by an IPN -> LDTg circuit that restricts dopamine to control novelty preference.
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