Decline in Sensory Integration in Old Age: Evidence from a Virtual Reality Task, and Its Functional Brain Connectivity Correlates

Satoru Inagaki, Hirokazu Matsuura, Kazuki Sakurai,Ludovico Minati,Natsue Yoshimura


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Sensory integration is an essential function of human life, and its decline causes difficulties in the quality of life, especially in older adults. In this study, we proposed an arm-reaching task based on a virtual reality head-mounted display (VR-HMD) system to assess sensory integration in daily life, and examined whether reaching task performance was associated with age and resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) between the brain regions of interest involved in sensory integration. We hypothesized that performance during a reaching task with multiple cognitive loadings would be affected by aging. The gap angle between the reaching hand and target positions was compared between older and middle-aged adults as a measure of sensory integration function. In addition, rsFC, which was significantly correlated with the gap angles of individual participants in the older adult group, was identified using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data. The mean gap angle was significantly larger in the older adults than in the middle-aged group and was also significantly correlated with connections between the left primary motor area and the left inferior temporal gyrus, temporo-occipital part. Because the connectivity between the areas is known to be related to visuomotor integration, the results suggest the involvement of visuomotor integration in the decline of sensory integration function in old age and the validity of the gap angle during the proposed VR-HMD task as an index for the decline in function.
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